Services Casa Rural de La Condesa Rental Services

The ideal complement for an unforgettable stay

The list of services included with the accommodation depends on whether you rent the whole house or by the room.

Complete house rental

When you rent the whole house the owner will be on hand and available to deal with any problem that may arise during the clients’ stay and the following services will be provided:

Cleaning at the end of the stay

Cleaning materials will be supplied for day-to-day cleaning during the stay

Sufficient bed and table linen and kitchen cloths

You will be informed where these are kept on arrival

Free firewood and vine twigs

For use in the hearth in the living room or for barbecues in the garden

Commercial kitchen

Fully equipped and available for guests to use

Rental by the room

In the case of “rural house” services provided as shared accommodation and/or rental by the room, the following services will be provided:

Daily cleaning of the room and bathroom

On changeover day the rooms are thoroughly cleaned between one client’s stay and the next to ensure maximum quality of cleanliness

Optional breakfast

Daily supplement of 5€ per person

Extra bed in every room

An extra bed can be put up in all the rooms. Rooms 7 and 8 have enough space for 2 extra beds

Lunch and dinner service

Exclusively for guests and depending on availability

Kitchen not available to guests

Clients do not have the right to use the kitchen in this rental category

Special events

Conferences and special events

Organisation of conferences and special events for up to 60 people, in collaboration with La Zaranda and Los Nogales. Conference space available from the Town Hall of El Redal.

Provision of other tourist services and any other kind of complementary tourist activity (active and environmental tourism, sport, access to municipal swimming pools, wine, food and cultural tourism) which can help to discover, appreciate and enjoy the tourist resources on offer, as well as the organisation of events of a tourist nature, such as meetings, congresses, presentations, seminars and conferences may be undertaken without any limitation other than those related to compliance with any legal and regulatory conditions which may be applicable.

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